
Monday, September 13, 2010


Do you have a Trader Joes where you live? I LOVE Trader Joes. Love it! I do almost ALL of my grocery shopping there. Well, minus my produce that I get from the co op.

Lately I am ADDICTED to these two little treats.

The powerberries are amazing! They are kind of like tart raisinettes. Only it isn't actually a piece of fruit. It is blueberry, acai, pomegranate, and cranberry juices condensed down to form a little gummy piece of deliciousness. THEN as if that weren't good enough they are dipped in dark chocolate! I love how the package says "excellent source of vitamin C, made with dark chocolate a natural source of flavanol antioxidants". Haha! Like that is supposed to make them healthy, which by no means are they healthy. But they sure are delicious and in terms of calories not all that bad 180 cals for a 1/4 cup which turns out to be like 18 pieces...not that I'm counting or anything!

The dark chocolate nutty bits are just that. Sweet crunchy nuts, dipped in smooth dark chocolate with a hint of Fleur de Sel (which is a nice finishing salt). They are sweet, crunchy, and just a bit salty. SOO delicious! These ones are a bit higher calorie 190 calories for 3 pieces. But come one these are nuts and nuts are really great for you right!?

If you've got a TJs near you, you should definately check them out!

Anyway sorry to be a bad influence....just had to share my latest addiction!

Love and hugs, 

PS. By no means did Trader Joes pay me to speak so highly of their wonderful little grocery store or amazingly delicious products! I truly adore them!


  1. i just discovered the powerberries too! i love, love, love them!!

  2. I love the powerberries too! If I need a quick "pick-me-up" in the middle of the day, I grab a small handful and "voila" it perks me up and I'm not hungry for a while.

  3. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
    Have a nice day!
