
Friday, September 24, 2010

Spooooky Wreath

It is starting to feel a bit cooler outside if only at night. Which means time to decorate for Halloween! I saw this wreath somewhere in blogland about this time last year but didn't have time to make it. So it was top on my list for decorations this year!

wreath form either styrofoam or wood chip
1 or 2 black boas (depending on how big your wreath is)
LOTS of hot glue
Optional- little black spider, glitter, and spray adhesive (or modge podge)

I used this wreath form that I thrifted for $1!

Grab a black boa or two at JoAnn's or Michaels and definitely use your coupon. Those suckers are expensive ($12/each, yikes)! I think with my coupon they came out to $6/each, thats better.

Start with a big glob of hot glue on the inner circle of your wreath form and glue down the end of the boa. Work your way around the inside glueing all along the way.

Continue wrapping and glueing until you get to where you started then step up a level and work on the top or middle portion of your wreath. Finally when you finish going around that go around the outer edge of your wreath. Never cutting the boa when you step up to the next round because it will look like you killed a black bird in your living me!

I hung mine with 5" wide black lace and tied a bow in it. You can't really tell it is there in the pictures but it looks really pretty.

Here is a close up of the bow.

Fun, right? needs something more so I grabbed a plastic spider sprayed it with some multi purpose spray adhesive, glittered it up and attached it with hot glue! That's better gives it a little pop.

I left this one on the inside of the house, using a double wreath hook hanger. I've got another door hanger in the works that will go on the outside. This also minimizes the probability that a REAL spider make it's home inside my feathers. Yuck!

If you used a smaller wreath form you could get away with using only 1 boa. But I like big wreaths, I think they make such a statement. Also don't try to wrap the boa all the way around the wreath it will use significantly more boa and no one sees the back anyway!

I hope you try it! This seriously took me all of 15 minutes. It took me longer to tie a pretty bow than to get the actual wreath made.

Love and Hugs,
P.S. I had to look out the peep hole today and it was kinda funny to have to push the feathers out of my face so that I could see out of it! Ha! I got a kick out of it and so did Hailey! Hailey also pointed out to me that my "spider" is really an ant! I took a closer look at it and it really is...but Hailey likes to hide it under my sheets before I got to bed so I'm glad it is tacked down to something other than my bed!


  1. Oh - good I am not losing my mind I thought it looked like an ant.

    It does add pop though.

  2. a BOA...genius! I actually made a black feather wreath a couple years ago using loose black craft feathers, but it never got that full look I wanted. Did you see these in Pottery Barn? They are like $60!

  3. So Heidi, mine totaled $13! Not bad! I had been hunting thrift/dollar stores for black boas but never found any so finally broke down and got them where I knew I could.

    I do LOVE pottery barn but we have had a tumultuous relationship. They sold us a poorly designed table that is severely warped (say over an 2 inches bows in the middle) then refused to let us return it. FInally they offered us $150 in store credit AND we had to pack up the table and return it to them. Basically a slap in the face. I will never buy a table from them again but I like their accents!
