
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

White Elephant Wednesday

So I think I will try to do a weekly post called White Elephant Wednesday! The White Elephant is our local thrift shop. A thrift shop like NO other! This place is huge and they have everything! This week when I first walked in there were no shopping carts. So I just grabbed a little hand basket (like the ones at the store when you only have to grab a couple of groceries). Next time I'll bring my stroller in with me!

So I looked around a bit and immediately stumbled across this lovely little case! Upon later inspection I came to realize it is an old kinda beat up well loved pilots case. I think I'll clean it up and use it in some photo sessions with the girls and keep it up on top of my cabinets somewhere as a decoration!

Then I came across this HUGE popcorn tin. My SIL gave me one but it is a newer one and not nearly as big as they used to come. SO I've been looking for one for awhile to store our rice in. I think I'll paint the outside something fun!

In the same area I found some quart sized Ball jars. We all know why I need Ball jars! With all of the tins Belle found this little tiny tin she wanted. It was 50 cents so I let her keep it! I'll paint it for her as well and she can keep all of her little trinkets in it.

I then headed over to the toy section and my eyes locked in on a cabbage patch dolls. I don't know about you but my girls LOVE cabbage patch dolls. This one has stamped on the back of her head "first edition 1990". I KNOW they were around much earlier than that but it makes this little lovey a bit older than the rest of our cabbage patch dolls. I took her home cleaned her face with a wipe and stuck her in the washer and she looks brand new! She also looks very similar to my cabbage patch doll that I had when I was little. His name was Roger and he had chicken pox. Not sure how or why but he had chicken pox! Then Belle found a glow worm and had to have it! It was $1 so I just let her carry it around with her.

I ventured over to the glass cases where they had the higher dollar (ha!) items. If you consider $5 a high dollar item! They had baskets and baskets of vintage handkerchiefs. I picked out the fun ones and looked around some more.

They had these really cool old milk bottles but I wasn't sure what I'd do with them so I passed them up. They also had some blue glass medicine bottles that said "for ingestion" on them. I passed these up too because I was running out space in our little hand basket and Belle was tired of holding her glow worm and little tin.

She did spy this little pony behind the counter nothing special but she wanted it and I'm a sucker for that sweet little face. And a good bargain!

I didn't even get to look at clothing to refashion but there were racks and racks of it. Next time I will alot more time for thrift shopping!

Here is a pic of everything I got! All for $11.25! WOW! Oh AND that straw wreath form in the back. Almost forgot about that one! I have a BIG idea for that form for Halloween.

Love and Hugs,


  1. I LOVE the pilot's case and I'm so jealous! That is awesome! The cabbage patch looks like the one my sister had. That's so weird that yours had chicken pox! Huh. Didn't even know they made them that way. The handkerchiefs are so neat! I bought a few of those awhile back. Maybe that will be my next Nifty Thrifty!

    What great finds! I need to stop by the little thrift store by my house more often. They have garage sale prices and then sales on top of that!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! I saw you guys a while back on UCreate and remembered you! You have some cute ideas on here!

  3. I love a good thrift session!! Wish I could thrift this month but I am doing a stash busting challenge.

  4. I just love finds like this! (And PS: I have my first cabbage patch doll still, from 1983-ish! My 3 1/2 year old daughter plays with her. :) So cute!)

    Found you from MBC. Following via Google, hope you'll come by

    and follow too! Look forward to reading more posts!

  5. Cabbage patch dolls and My Little Pony! Awe-some. Gotta love thrift stores.

    I told my son I loved My Little Pony as a kid, and now he's on a never-ending quest to find me pony toys :)
