
Sunday, November 14, 2010

This Weeks Bounty

I enjoyed posting this so much last week for Ms. Alysa I decided to do it again! I hope you checked out Alysa's fabulous blog last week. If not here is another link.

And if you didn't already see...Alysa is lunging for a cure! See this post to catch up a bit. She has also set up an etsy store in order to help this amazing little family. Now I KNOW you all are crafty so if you have something really incredible that you make maybe think about letting Alysa put it up in her etsy Cancer Kicker Shop. ALL of the proceeds will go to the cancer kicker foundation. If you are not really the crafty type and just visiting please consider passing this information on to someone who might want to donate something. If your a blogger please please grab a button from Alysa's blog and help get the word out!

I am going to donate a couple pairs of sweet little soft soled shoes. I frequently make these for baby showers or friends having kids and everyone always loves them! If you guys want to make some let me know in the comments and I'll put a little tutorial together!

Ok ok, on with the basket!

Even though this Saturday was CRAZY! We left the house at 8:55 to pick up our basket at 9am (it's just down the street) and seriously did not get home until 9pm! WOW! Needless to say I was a wee bit tired last night so I didn't get this up right away. Sorry for that.

Here is our haul:
9 concorde pears
1 bag black seedless grapes
8 persimmon
8 clementine cuties
5 massive bananas
1 acorn squash
1 small bag brussels sprouts
1 head celery
1 head green leaf lettuce
1 5 lb bag + 2 russet potatoes
6 ears of corn

I also got some extras this week!

1-24 lb box of only the best apples ever! HONEY CRISPS! AH! These are so so good. I would grab one of these over chocolate ANY day of the week and I really, really like chocolate! These babies are massive the girls and I can share one and all be satisfied. Perfect with some peanut butter or all on it's own. :)

I also got the partially baked dinner rolls. In preparation for Thanksgiving. I threw them in my freezer where they'll stay fresh until the big day! Of course the hubby and I had to try one today for lunch. We cut a couple of the sourdough ones open and added some pulled pork that we made last week. The bread was sour, soft, and oh so delicious! There are also whole wheat and cranberry orange rolls too!

Our Meal plan for this week looks something like this:

Monday: Pork Stir fry. I will use some frozen veggies for this since we dont really have stir fry veggies in our basket this week. Served with rice of course!

Tuesday: Leftover night (Sunday, Monday leftovers)

Wednesday: Beef Pot roast using some potatoes, carrots, onion and celery.

Thursday: Beef Enchiladas (leftover meet from the night before and black beans with mexican corn (grilled and sprinkled with taco seasoning, yummy!)

Friday: Hopefully dinner at Grimaldi's since we never made it last week :(

Saturday: Chilli baked potatoes and salad.

Sunday: Leftover night.

Last week I planned meals for every day of the week and what I found was that we had LOTS of leftovers. So I ended up taking 2 of the meals out the pork stir fry, and chili baked potatoes. I also simply did not have time to make the brussels sprout salad. Instead it turned into grilled chicken, baked potatoes and roasted brussels sprouts. So I will be making the brussels sprout salad sometime this week for lunch! :)

Ok, so we have LOTS of potatoes now. I'm sure plenty for Thanksgiving even. I think I might cube and boil the majority of them and freeze them for the big day. Saves me a step and I can keep these potatoes from going bad since we do not eat all that many potatoes. We barely made a dent in the 5 lb bag we got last week and then got another bag this week! Seriously we have potatoes coming out of our ears!

What are you all doing with your produce this week?

Love and Hugs,


  1. Jess, thank you so much for spreading the word on my Cancer Kicker shop and Lunging for a Cure. You are so awesome! And I can't wait to put those adorable shoes up in the Cancer Kicker shop.

  2. What a great cause. I am going to go check it out right now. I love those cute little shoes, a tutorial would be awesome!!! My little nephew would look so adorable in these :)
