
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day...and a GIVEAWAY!

What better way to celebrate Valentines Day than by doing a giveaway? Yup I said it! My very first giveaway! Yippee!

Everyone I'd like you to meet my Ms. Tricia the talented designer behind the esty store Baby Night Night Boutique.

Seriously there is some really awesome stuff over there! {Seriously} I immediately fell in love with this sweet little red striped bib front shirt!

These beautiful chiffon ruffled bloomers would be perfect for your little babe OR as a photography prop. I've been eyeing them to use as a prop! But can you just imagine them on a crawling little babe?! Stinkin' adorable!!

What shop would be complete with out some Up-cycling? This dress is crazy cute! Aren't the pockets sweet? LOVE.IT.

And seriously, Ms. Tricia is AH-mazing with these incredible hand drawn portraits! I mean WOW! I took many a art classes in college and was NEVER this good at drawing from a picture! How beautiful would this be framed? 

Of course Hailey had to get in on all the browsing and said that she would love some of these vintage inspired flower leg warmers! In her words, "for ballet of course, Momma". Well, but of course! What else would they be for? Silly Momma!

Guess what?!

Because Tricia is super awesome and amazing she is giving one of you! Yes YOU! A chance to win a $10 gift certificate to her incredible Etsy store! Seriously I wish I were eligible for this! I would LOVE all any of these things!!

So lets get down to it! Here are the rules

1. Head on over to Baby Night Night Boutique's blog and become a follower. Leave me a comment letting me know your a new follower or if you were already following the amazing Tricia.

2. You must be a follower of The Planner and The Procrastinator. Again leave me a comment letting me know you are a new follower or if you were already following along in the awesomeness!

That means you get TWO entries! YEAH! So...what are you waiting for?! Go follow then head over to Baby Night Night Boutique's Etsy Store and take a lock around! Maybe YOU will be the lucky ducky who wins!

The giveaway will close Sunday, February 20th and I will announce the winner Monday morning! So go tell your friends! After all they deserve to get in on the action too!


  1. I'm a follower and happy to be! She makes some amazing stuff!

  2. im following bnnb!

  3. im a follower of planner and procrastinator!

  4. I'm a follower of the planner and the procrastinator :)

  5. I am a super excited follower of bnnb! Tricia is so creative, I love her stuff!

  6. I am a excited new follower of the planner and procrastinator!! Great blog :)

  7. I am also a follower of the planner and procrastinator. Love your sewing tutorials!

  8. Yay! A giveaway! I've been meaning to get one going on my own blog these days!

    Was a follower of PATP and I am a new follower of BNNB... love their stuff, especially the leg warmers.

    BTW, fingers crossed for Monday. It is my bday and all! :)

  9. I'm a new follower of BNNB.


  10. I am also a follower of your blog.


  11. And of course a follower of you :)
