
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Whistle while you work!

Today we will complete the main part of the slipper. After this we just have to tighten it up and add the trim! I wish mine we already complete because it is a whopping 21 degrees here in Tucson today. For our Southern Arizonans this is COLD! I mean Anchorage, AK is 29 degrees. There is something really really wrong with this picture!

Please excuse my blue hands. Apparently my hands being cold is translating into my picture taking! haha Again this is picture heavy so give it a minute to load :)

So lets jump right in!

Update: I forgot to mention that if you have large feet (like bigger than a size 7) you might want to add a couple rows. The 13 rows were perfect for me and I'm about a 6 1/2 or 7. If you wear an 8 I might add a row, 9 I'd probably add 2, and if you have ginormous feet like my mother who wears a size 10 (haha sorry Momma!) I'd probably add 3 rows. Just try 'em on and if they look like they are going to cover your heal they probably will! 

Now go make another one! So that you have a pair! We will work on tightening and trimming them Friday. 

As always if you have any issues let me know in the comments section and I'll help ya out!

Love and Hugs, 


  1. They look super warm! Wish I could crochet! Great job!

  2. I'm a little behind (had to finish another project I had already started!), but I've got the first one done! They are soooo cute! Thanks so much!
