
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Phew, what a crazy day! We spent Halloween day putting the finishing touches on all 4 of the costumes. While there was a constant loop of Alice in Wonderland on in the background. Just so we could get into character!

At the last minute though (Friday) I decided my costume was kind of lame and wanted to go a much brighter and more colorful route! SO my hubby found me this cheshire cat costume at the Halloween store. I stopped at the wig store an got a purple wig and Target on the way home and grabbed a pink tee. I then spray painted purple stripes on it! Because the top on the cat costume was a bit too revealing! Why can't a there be any not so sexy but oh so cute costumes?! really? Anyway I used this tutorial for my makeup and it came out great!

I also used Ms. Kandee's tutorial for Hailey's makeup! And it turned out insanely cute...if I do say so myself! And you can't forget sweet Belle. Her wig really made the outfit! We did not do any makeup on her because she just doesn't sit still long enough and I don't really think her costume called for it.

We always go trick or treating with my brother and sister in law and this year was no different. Although we got to my BIL's house and realized we had completely forgotten the girls dresses! AH! So the hubby ran back real quick (as quick as a 20 minute drive one way can be!) and saved the night for us.

All in all had a fun night and I'm sure the girls will have a great time for years to come in those sweet little outfits playing dress up and letting their imagination run wild!

Hope you all had as much fun as we did this Halloween! Now on to the family picture outfits...

Love and Hugs,


  1. You are so amazing Jess! I love the costumes!

  2. love the painted stripes! Thanks for sharing! All three of you look adorable!
