
Friday, November 5, 2010

Our newest addition! And a quick question...

Meet Harley, the newest addition to our household.

We adopted this little dog that a good friend could no longer keep. She is adorable and so sweet and loving! She is a slightly older dog (probably around 5-ish) who is already house broken! She is really great with kids and loves to snuggle. Just my kind of little lamb. I LOVE animals and could not resist that sweet little face. She is right around 2 pounds, a perfect size for the girls to carry around and love.

haha! I snuck and got a pic while Hailey was watching The Jungle Book after lunch!
Hailey wasted no time at all and had her all dressed up (in cabbage patch doll clothes). She also made her a little bed in her doll cradle. Technically she is the girls dog but she really loves the Hubby. As soon as we went to bed last night she snuggled up to his back and didn't move all night! She spent the day in the office under the desk at his feet.

I think she is adorable and am thankful that my friend was willing to give up this sweet little lamb. She knows I like to spoil my furry friends!

So....this week I have really been focusing on getting my house in order. You see when I craft I kind of let things go by the wayside. I forget to do things and the house gets a little crazy. I can handle it usually but it was starting to grate on my nerves. I am almost finished and will start on the family portrait pieces here probably this weekend. A tie for the hubby, dress for sweet Belle, skirt for Hailey, and something for myself. I'm still not sure quite you guys have any ideas?!

I don't have a ton of fabric. I could only find 1 1/2 yards for sale anywhere on the internet. The fabric I HAD to have has been discontinued (of course!), so I purchased some from a very nice lady in New Zealand off the internet!

Love and Hugs,

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