
Friday, December 24, 2010

72 lunches

So this is what 72 lunches looks like...

Only half of what we attempted to hand out yesterday morning. We did it before Christmas which was goal number one. And we doubled what we did last time which was goal number 2. Although this time we had our work cut out for us. When we showed up to the park we went to last time there was hardly anyone there. Which really makes me sort of thankful. It was really cold and rainy the night before so I think everyone was in the shelters.

We gave out some lunches to the people who were there. Then we headed downtown and handed out a couple on the way. Hopping out periodically to make sure everyone got one. Gave away some more downtown and headed to a couple other parks. At this point we still had about half of what we came with and were starting to wonder if we'd ever give them all out. So we headed back to the original park we stopped at which also happens to be kitty corner from The Guadalupe Mission. Now that the storm had cleared and it started to warm up there were significantly more people there and we ended up handing out most of the lunches.

What we weren't able to hand out personally we left with another very generous man who had set up a grill and was grilling for the people at the park. So that they could have a hot meal right then and there and save our sack lunch for later in the day when they started to get hungry again. The gentleman who was grilling also had some very useful things with him like beanies, toothpaste, and gloves all free to anyone who needed or wanted them. Seeing that someone else was out there and that we weren't the only ones who had the initiative to feed the less fortunate really warmed my heart!

Merry Christmas Everyone! God Bless!!

Love and Hugs,


  1. What an awesome story! God bless you and the people you touched yesterday. :)

  2. That's so awesome! You are an inspiration. I would love to do something like this when my kids are a little older!
