
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day! It started at 7am which was surprising in itself. I thought Hailey would have woken us up significantly earlier. But I sure am thankful she didn't! We waited for Belle to wake which wasn't long because Hailey was so excited she would randomly squeal just looking at the gifts santa left her and her sissy.

Then sissy woke up and she was grumpy!!

Until she realized these were for HER too!

Then she was in full excitement mode being her usual happy, bubbly, laughing Belle self!

Hailey unwrapped meticulously (which really is no surprise) and was very methodical about what she would open and when. She went from smallest to biggest!

After the girls had wrapping paper strewn around the entire room I thought it was my cue to bow out and start Christmas breakfast while the hubby helped clean up the wrapping paper and started opening packages.

Usually I make a breakfast casserole involving eggs and sausage. But this year I decided I wanted to make these Gingerbread pumpkin waffles with fresh whipped cream and homemade buttermilk syrup. They were divine! If you've never had buttermilk syrup you really do owe it to yourself to go make these. Maybe a good night for breakfast for dinner! And I got to use some of the pumpkin puree I made back in October.

Also while making breakfast I threw together the bulgogi for our Korean Christmas dinner later on in the day.

With breakfast out of the way came assembly of toys. I assembled and assembled and assembled until I finally decided they had enough to occupy them while I snuck away for a quick shower. After showering we headed to my brother in laws for our Korean Christmas dinner of bulgogi, grilled hot ribs, egg rolls, kimchee and rice! Yummy!! Luckily here in AZ it was perfect grilling weather with highs in the 70s! Sorry had to rub it in a teeny bit :) Followed by another session of gift giving and receiving.

Hope you all had as much fun as we did yesterday! Now as if my living room weren't already pink enough, I am off to assemble more pink toys.

Love and Hugs,

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